Friday, December 15, 2006

HI, BYE...

I'm here, I'm here, she says scrambling to the laptop at ten to twelve still in pyjamas (Princesse Tam Tam stripy if you're interested). Ooops I did say I'd post every other day didn't I? Why can't I do anything with rules except break them, even when they're self imposed?

Somebody has been dreaming contentedly, emitting little sighs and half snores on top of constant purring. Could there be a love story brewing? Ginger Tom, next door, very handsome. That's all I'm saying.

I have much to say................later!


charlotte said...

Lucky you and lucky Lola! Pyjamas (which sound v stylish incidentally) are infinitely preferable to office which is where I am, toiling instead of flitting around town. bah.

la femme said...

beyond adorable