Saturday, November 24, 2007


*Being spontaneously invited to a Thanksgiving dinner held by real live US citizens (I couldn't go because I'd planned my whole day to the minute)...

*Making squash soup on Thanksgiving that included honey, sesame seeds, lime juice and cumin seeds in the ingredient list. Nice, if a little like a hot toddy...

*The idea of putting "Or You Better Watch Out" at the end of invoices after the bit about paying within 30 days...

*Getting fresh daily bread, yummy cheeses and superior wine all direct from France from the new French owned deli round the corner. It's just like being in Paris - what, did they read my mind? J'aaadooore gentrification...

*Catching my reflection and seeing that while I bumble on about clothes all the time, I've been repeatedly going out in public (and at night) dressed in old, baggy comfortable slobwear. My nails are now painted, my wardrobe re-organised. Bad knackered yet oh so comfy Ugg boots, keep away!


Anonymous said...

oh my god!!!! you are in love aren't you????!!!!! (if not now...then i suspect..very soon...!) (ok so i am a wanna-be psychic). any comments or thoughts about this?

Claire said...

Nope! Interesting hypothesis - but maybe you are psychic and I'll meet the man of my dreams tonight when I'm not dressed like a hobo, wouldn't that be weird...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Thanksgiving dinner is the best. And baggy layers are chic, or so I will be telling myself as it continues to get colder.

RD said...

I think it has something to do with the weather -- I want to go out in clothes that will protect and comfort me both physically and psychologically. Who cares if my shoes don't match my outfit? Alas, I do... BB

Julia said...

That is the funniest clip hahahaha!


This is genius. I'm definitely adding you better watch out at the end of my invoices. And, obviously, having a Santana baseball cap made. As for slobwear, I'm very happy because APC made some boots that look like my furry slippers. Stylish and comfy, two in one, problem solved (though I suspect this will get me another long speech from my mom on the subject of why can't I dress more like a lady). LCDS

Claire said...

LCDS: ooh ooh where are these APC furry slippers of which you speak? are they in the catalog and this season? I haven't seen them...


They are featured in the catalog, but in the men's section (but come in women's sizes). You can check them out here
don't know if they're available in the uk, though...