Wednesday, March 09, 2011


This is for the many, many people that land here after Googling "baby shetland pony". I feel bad that I'm not providing more examples of them. Will try harder.

For anyone who remembers him, I haven't seen Billy for a while and his friend Thomas was evicted from the land he used to graze on ages ago. But I will pop along the mews today and try to get an update on their whereabouts/health from the rag and bone men who own them. (They drive vans these days, they just continue to keep horses because they've always kept horses.)

I feel like the above paragraph contains the makings of a Dickensian drama.


la femme said...

Very sweet - I hope they are in good health.

Unknown said...

oh yes!!! dickens it is!!!!

sight said...

....perhaps Billy could be an orphan, struggling in a poor house, who suddenly finds he has inherited a fortune and sets about making him self a fashionable gentleman in London town?

Bombay Beauty said...

oh definitely an update is in order! xo bb

Claire said...

Sight - let's pitch it to the BBC!

Claire said...

Taio - I hope frumos doesn't mean "tasty" or "delicious" !