So this is Canova's Temple in Possagno. It's rather imposing, a bit like Rome's Pantheon being plonked in the countryside next to a little town. I only poked my head inside and it seemed to be used as the local church? I also saw a regular parade of pensioners pulling up to the bottom of the steps in beaten up Fiat Pandas, then carrying large boxes inside. Hopefully they contained props for a harvest festival and not something more sinister, as obviously old people in Fiat Pandas arriving at temples immediately strike me as being up to no good.
What is up with my photo alignment lately? I have no idea either.
Talking of Venice, someone said to me the other day that although I was in Venice, my photos don't look like Venice. I supposed because I've been going there frequently for so many years (15?) I don't think photos of bridges and canals would be that interesting... everyone knows what Venice looks like, right? Magical, amazing, but sometimes hard to take a picture that doesn't look like a postcard in a souvenir shop. I guess I'm more likely to take pictures of stuff that is new to me on trips to the mainland. But then maybe that's silly, I will make more of an effort to take Venice pictures with new eyes in future. To end, here are a couple of pictures of my view from the vaporetto late on a Sunday afternoon in the lagoon. Not very much like taking the tube.