It's quite weird to stumble to your TV, slightly bleary eyed at ten on a Saturday morning and be confronted with a presenter wearing Heimstone to introduce some cheesy boyband. I also love how she manages to take the piss out of them without being blatantly rude. I have refrained from the full on geekery of taking a photo of my telly but I've been wanting to mention Alexa for ages and there still aren't enough photos of her being stylish floating around the internet.
*For non UK readers Popworld was this completely hilarious pop show on Channel 4 presented by Miquita Oliver and Simon Amstell for ages where they managed to piss lots of bands and "artistes" off by being extremely sarcastic. There's an in depth obituary of their comedy genius here. Anyway, when the presenters went on to other things they replaced them with Alexa and the awful, not funny in the least but really thinks he is Alex Zane. Everyone stopped watching it and the show was killed. The it popped back up with a different name but still with Alexa.
yeah she has something about her...very fresh yet has an edge! heheh...i think you should be picked up to do a APC add...something in grey for sure!
really beautiful
I beg to differ but I am very unimpressed by the Chung. A generic model cum TV presenter (albeit) a failed one who is now touted as some sort of style icon. Kate Moss she is not and yes, she and the curly haired one whose name is indeed Alex Zane did kill off the tongue in cheek, Popworld. But then it would have been hard for anyone to fill the shoes of Miquita and Simon. Anyway back to Alexa; I am so not feeling her.
well i like her style, i think she does the 'thrown together' kind of awkward thing really well. there's a huge trove of photos over at (she has her own 'thread' in the star style section), if anyone wants to indulge.
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