Lola is still confused about why I have taken away her favourite place to sunbathe: the goatskin rug (location of many a Lola photoshoot) - I have tried to explain where it's gone but the words "infestation" and "landfill" aren't in her vocabulary. Still, she's been trying out a few new spots.

For someone who categorically hates fitted kitchens, I am feeling quite potent lust for this one, seen on The Selby. I just want to rip my kitchen out and make it like that. Somehow, I've got back into cooking again and I am now fully hooked on the Tamra Davis Cooking Show. I may not have little kids in tow (or be married to Mike D) but these coconut macaroons took me 12 MINUTES to prepare and cook (then about two seconds to eat six) Oh, I left them undecorated as I'm supposed to be a grown up. It's mostly easy and fast stuff, using healthy ingredients, which I'm into. My only complaint is she uses a lot of Seitan, which as far as I'm concerned is Satan.
I made a pompom! See, I am Martha. The instructions are here. The only thing was, it was so perfect it didn't look right. Then I suddenly thought of that bit in the Marc Jacobs/LV documentary where their flower corsages arrive and they have to fuck them up to make them perfect. So I set to it, crumpled it up and attacked it with pinking shears. Now it looks much better.
Lola is soooooo sweet, looks like she's loving her new spot!
Kisses from Paris!
oh lola, i wish i could rub your belly (if you're ok with that)!
i made pompoms for a baby shower and didn't take them down from the ceiling for 6 months.
i love my messy little kitchen, but there's something livably-2001 about this one that is alluring.
as i have a feline myself....i do understand the importance of having a comfy place to i feel lola's pain to have lost her. (so great that she actually has her own photoshoot...;)
when i lived in nyc i worked in a veg. resto...and practically lived off of seitan...but lately it seems the ghosts of foods past...has caught up to me...and seitan is now satan for me. tant pis.
oh and thanks for the marc jacobs link...will watch it now..
You've been productive! The macaroons seem worth trying for sure... There is something very science-lab like about that kitchen (and that's good, since I like to imagine I'm mad scientist when I'm cooking...) BB
i left my poms outside and they got a little damp... perfection. you should try it.
i am also very much in love with that kitchen. now i have to find a house with a window in just the right place to hold herbs and throw light along the pristine worktop. x
Lola says thank you, you may rub her tummy.
Ugh Seitan, just that stretchy, spongy consistency..bahhhhhhgghhh -now Tempeh I can get behind.
I'm going to try the damp pom pom trick - even if my neighbours think I'm weird I'll just say, can't you see I'm trying to fuck up my pompom so it's more perfect? I'm sure they'll understand.
I made hundreds of pom poms for my wedding in 2006. they hung from really high up so it looked very nice. anyway, kitchen is wonderful. why can't we all have one like that???
That is one FABULOUS Pom Pom!
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