Monday, June 13, 2011


Fashion Rocks asked me to do a guest post for their site and I chose to write about my love for menswear - for me to wear, that is. I'm their very first blog collaborator - check the article here!


Unknown said...

sexy claire!!! bravo for being the first blogger! (but you're a talented writer so...)
and yes everyone should insist on BF being included!

Trashsparkle said...

sharp tailoring - love dinner jackets, nicked by girls obviously. and yes, a bit of BF is always a good thang!

RD said...

great guest blog. indeed, SC gets it right again... bespoke Charvet is the way to go. must ask you where to get vintage cufflinks. i know a few boys who like those... xo bb

Claire said...

BB - oh may I introduce you, indeed indoctrinate you into the cufflink search on etsy. Hours of mindless browsing lies ahead, it's most relaxing. There's a lot of crap but then when you find some good ones - oh! I bought some beautiful hexagonal brass and mother of pearl ones from a French seller on there recently, will look up the name.

Claire said...


I bought some from this French lady: