Tuesday, June 19, 2007


If anyone ever asked me what I would absolutely never, ever be seen dead wearing I always said shorts or dungarees.

I can see that shorts could look good if you have amazing legs. When shorts are continually proposed/rammed down the consumer's throat for two summers running I have no problem with the people who look good in them, known as models, wearing them occasionally. Dungarees I find heinous without exception.

People with legs like mine should never ever wear shorts, mini skirts or even a skirt/dress just above the knee unless thick black tights are provided. This makes shopping at the moment a teensy bit tricky. I apologise for having boobs, a small waist, curvy hips and not very nice legs. Apparently there are no clothes available for freaks like me this summer. It is the summer for those with spindly legs, flat chests and pot bellies to rejoice.

Even though French style can be a little conservative, some say boring, there's one thing I wholeheartedly agree with and that's that if a trend doesn't suit you or enhance your best features, avoid it. I saw no one in Paris wearing white or red Rayban Wayfarers recently, but plenty wearing black ones. I don't think that's boring, I think it's always a good idea to veer away from the Timmy Mallett look. I generally manage to take my own advice on such matters.

But today hell froze over and I purchased this pair of dungaree shorts.
But they're really cute!
But they don't suit me.
But they're so cute!

I succumbed to the I Want It Too Why Can't I Have It Too school of dressing, last seen during summer 2006 of the smock dress. I rationalised this purchase thus so: I will not subject Londoners to my legs, I will only wear the dungaree shorts when visiting my father (who, in a cruel twist of genetic fate, has fabulous legs at the age of 65) on the south coast, in a small seaside town where frankly, if you're not morbidly obese and are under the age of 85 then you are pretty hot stuff.


The Spicers said...

I think those overalls could be very flattering on a curvy figure!

erica said...

i bought a pair of cute linen cuffed-shorts and then returned them the next day. i haven't worn shorts since 1999. why do i look fine in a mini skirt but not in shorts? there must be more to it than just the legs.

Anonymous said...

Those are CUTE! xo, LC

Anonymous said...

You're not alone in not suiting the shorts! We need to form an online club for that. My total pet hate though has to be midriff tops and long slung pants - yeuch!

travel notes said...

Moi aussi! Sometimes I wish we could all revert back to the fashions of the Victorian times. I can't wait for leggings, smocks and skinny jeans to disappear off the face of the earth! xx

RD said...

Interesting. All the women in London I have seen wearing the shorts have indeed been wearing them with thick black tights. So go for it without shame! Though I must confess I am of the no-shorts-never-ever persuasion.



Unknown said...

Those are very cute. I wou;dn't wear them( an awful child-overrall memory) but I'm sure they look great on you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire! I've tagged you...! :-) Hope you & Lola are well.

Claire said...

too late, too late Annie I've already done it!...surely there is way too much of my random info floating around the interwebs already for me to do it twice! x ps your comment form doesn't seem to like me so I hope you read this here...