Friday, August 10, 2007


I must post this quickly, as we seem to be having something that resembles a summer. I hope I don't tempt fate and scupper it all. Fate's always reading my blog, never comments though. Remember what happened when I took my woolly socks and winter wardrobe to the coast last weekend? Brilliant hot sunshine. So I'm hoping this won't be the opposite of that. Anyway.

The Summer Lovin' List:

Wafting around in my white APC/Jessica Ogden Madras dress all the live long day and night

Cold pear cider with ice

Prawn summer rolls

Lemon infused Olive Oil on everything

Mismatched bikini bottoms with AA bandeau

New white cotton Muji bedlinen

Swapping some of my blueberry crop for my neighbour's home grown potatoes

Going to the beach!

Hooray, enjoy the weekend...


Anonymous said...

Fate is such a lurker-- and so am I only breaking forward to comment on your last post and say PLEASE won't you miniaturize me and put me in your bag so i can travel with you to Italy-- you could just set me on the table while you gaze out on the scene--- and, now I'm off to investigate pear cider.


Claire said...

Of course! Only pear cider is not advisable when you're in the miniaturized state being both more-ish and quite alcoholic. I won't be responsible for you if you embarrass me by falling off the table and into the canal...

la femme said...

Perfect summer dress... and that olive oil sounds divine.

Julia said...

Che bella! Honestly love. it. all.

Mrs Fashion said...

I don't think fate got round to reading your blog til Saturday pm. That's when the clouds rolled in :-(

Here's a tip though - have you tried lemon stuffed olives? They are my newest obsession (and you can get them in sainsbury's in a little tin!)


Anonymous said...

Oh how I would love some white cotton bedlinen. I seem to have a bit of a tendency to spill tea in bed though, so know it's probably unwise...