Saturday, March 07, 2009


I love the bags, I like the shoes; but more than that I LOVE getting even more tantalising glimpses of Sofia's apartment.

This really made my day. I don't know why, it just did. If you don't know I'll let you read it and have the OH. MY. GOD. moment. Ah, love in springtime. And a very classy way to let it be known.

Coco Avant Chanel
is being released much sooner than I realised. (22 April in France). I can't wait.
Here's the trailer...(why do trailers always have such bad music?)


Anonymous said...

this post feels very sping-like!!!

ok and i don't now how many times i have said this: i want sofia coppola's life (ok, that was the 589Th time..;) so in the meantime, i could have one of the pochettes...or a pair of shoes...

and for the rest i shall say...le sigh....


Unknown said...

OMG! ME Too! I saw it yesterday and was so excited - for virtual people I don't even know...its crazy! perfect couple though :) And did you see he had a photo of her on the blog today! Sweet! Aaaaw Love! :)

As for Coco Avant Chanel - I can't wait. Wonder how long it'll take to get to Ireland?

mimi said...

ahhhh! omg! they sure kept it quiet. but I thought he was already married with sproglets?

The Spicers said...

The Garance and Scott story really surprised me, since he's talked a lot about his wife working while he stayed home with his two little girls. Wasn't too long ago they were together at his photo opening...

Gisele said...

It´s so sweet, garance and the sart!

Apocalypstick said...

I know...what happened to Scott's wife...? Want to be happy, and am fully aware it's none of my business, but. Sometimes things aren't so romantic for all the parties involved (speaking from experience here). :(

Claire said...

Ah yes, but isn't it all too easy to fill in the blanks when you don't have the full story: Poor long suffering wife left at home with kids while he jets around the world becoming famous, fame changes him, then he trades wife in for glamorous Parisienne more in keeping with new life. It may not have been that way at ALL.

Anonymous said...

I want to be happy for the sart and Garance but a nagging thought remains- what about the wife?. I know from experience that looking after 2 kids whilst your other half does seemingly glamorous work is no joke. On the other hand I suppose people's private lives are none of my business!

RD said...

Love in the springtime... Love has arrived you say... Now if only the spring could come too... BB