Thursday, July 02, 2009


I used my Diana camera for the first time in Paris. It was so easy to take out and about because it's so light. I didn't really believe that any of the photos would come out, so I tried not to use it for anything I'd be upset about not getting. I ended up with nine photos (should have been twelve - ahem, lens cap). Strangely the vignetting is much stronger on the scans. But I love the randomness of it, the feeling that the more you do it "wrong" the more interesting your pictures might be. Not that these pictures are very interesting, I'm just happy they came out at all and I'm encouraged to experiment further with the ol' Diana.


Fi said...

I love them.. They don't have to BE of anything interesting, the camera makes it all interesting and dreamy and I'd put that 2nd one on my wall, I really would.

I must use my Lomo more, film is lovely.

Unknown said...

all 3 are quite interesting...especially experiment..

Madelene said...

I've been thinking about buying a Diana, but then I think I have a greater desire to own the actual camera (it's pretty) than to take lots of pictures with it.

Claire said...

Madelene it's so true - I only finally bought one when I saw the white "Edelweiss" one and couldn't resist the cuteness, then I took off the plastic strap and replaced it with black and white polka dot ribbon. It really is like a toy or a pet.

Unknown said...

They're lovely! I love the car especially, and the last one with the double exposure is really interesting. I've been tempted to buy a toy camera for a while and this is giving me a further push!

Joanna Goddard said...

beautiful! these are stunning and so dreamy.

Anonymous said...

They're great actually! They reminded me that I should use my little Holga more often.