Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This morning I got a particularly delightful email from Olivier Abry of WO & WE. I rarely post about things I've been asked to feature here - for a few reasons: I don't want to post the same content as everyone else; it has to genuinely be something I would feature had I discovered it myself and most of the many, many, of the many, many emails I get every day are addressed to Lola. She can't read them! Or to someone called Dear blogger. So, I am protecting you every day, I hope you appreciate this.

Anyway Olivier's email approach telling me about the handmade light fixtures he makes from vintage industrial components was like a breath of fresh air - and then I clicked on the link to his site.

Beautifully photographed, clean website - this is so up my street. I'm afraid I am going to have to buy a pair of these lamps.


Unknown said...

lov them! and the photo on the left (with the blue chair...)

Rose said...

I agree those are so cute! when I am not a renter I will definitely be getting me some- bookmarking

Claire said...

I really love them too and Olivier was so nice...he also has a blog.