Oh hello, Louis Vuitton AW12 resort collection, on which Sofia Coppola consulted on *all aspects*, not just the bags and shoes she's been doing for a while (still holding out for some kind of dream scenario in which someone gives me the bag in the leather, large size, colour jasper, thank you.) Sofia was the official muse of the collection and the idea was to give her a new wardrobe. (I can't imagine she had anything to do with the motorcycle helmets at the presentation.) But (definitely) look past the styling and there are some very Sofia pieces - and she wore one of the more understated pieces from the resort collection to the CFDAs (above), that wasn't shown in the presentation. Or maybe just by her wearing it, it looks more understated. Ain't nothing understated about the LV flagship store in Bond Street where I nearly walked into walls and fell down the stairs last week, so blinded was I by all the shiny gold and reflective surfaces. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Still, maybe they could give Sofia's stuff its own room with plain white walls and Ed Ruscha paintings on the walls. (That is not a bad idea at all and they have that gallery space. LV: call me, I'll set it up.) Not that any of us could afford any of it anyway. More about it
{Pics: 1 Zimbio, the rest from LV AW/12 resort presentation}
not bad indeed.
i really laughed out loud when i read the part about you walking into walls and almost falling down the stairs at the LV flagship store - cause i know the feeling exactly, and it's so embarrassing when you see that the security guy tries hold back his laughter :)
Yeah I didn't mention that I almost walked into a security guy as well and we had to do that oop, oh, scuse me, left/right left/right dance a few times until I got past him. Was. blinded by bling.
it does feel very marc j. meets sofia c. ...
she wants a 'new wardrobe'...okey dokey. I'll be purchasing myself that Sessun top in the sale and trying not to feel shite about it. Wow!
p.s the biker helmets are pretty funny.
If Jane - it does indeed...
Anna - even more gutting when you think about it is that SC would have been paid to consult, then also be given the entire collection for free! Nice work if you can get it - which she most certainly can, so why not I say! Just wish I was on that elusive freebie list (for the bags anyway)...
I think KD might be reaping the benefits of being a SC confidante!
Right...I really must do some proper work now!
Oh, that was on the day of the LV presentation - argh - how do I know this??! Dress + bag + shoes = great swag KD!
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