I've been out and about - the usual and not so usual. Finding my way around / to and from an unfamiliar neighbourhood, getting settled, seeing friends, lunches, dinners, walks, mooching in the 3rd and 10th - forever faves. Writing, thinking, no time for shopping yet.
Here's my room with a view. For the time being more timely updates can probably be found via my Instagram if you're on it and request to follow me. I'll be posting elsewhere while I'm in Paris too, so watch out for my imminent dispatches - I'll post the links here as and when of course.
Have a lovely adventure!
Any recommendations on places to stay?
Alexandra - I'm no good with hotels, but airbnb?! I have a ton of places bookmarked. But I always try to stay in friends apts if poss - I'm doing a swap now. Sorry that's not v. helpful!
Just discovered your blog through your write-up on HiP Paris and am loving it. Love your photos and your writing - super inspirational.
Thank you! Glad you found me. x
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