Monday, November 19, 2012


At the William Klein exhibition at Tate Modern they showed the film Contacts and it has stayed with me ever since. William Klein narrates as he goes through his contact sheets:
A picture is taken at 125th of a second. What do you know of a photographer's work? 100 pictures, let's say 125. Well, it's a body of work. That comes to, all told, one second. Let's say more like 250 photographs. That would be a rather large body of work. And that would come out to 2 seconds. The life of a photographer, even of a great photographer they say: two seconds
Genius. {Here's a very old blog post about when I kind of 'met' William Klein.}\

On Sunday I went to see Henri Cartier-Bresson: A Question of Colour at Somerset House. It wasn't what I expected at all: 10 of the photographs were by Cartier-Bresson - the rest of the exhibition set out to disprove HCB's assertion in the 1950s that colour photography could never live up to black and white. I was particularly excited about the colour works by Saul Leiter and Joel Meyerowitz included in the exhibition.
Saul Leiter
Joel Meyerowitz

{Both exhibitions continue into January 2013. If you're in London, they're worth a visit.}

1 comment:

charlotte said...

Contacts might just be my film of the year (even though it's not of this year, obvs).